City of Ashland Sustainable Trails Plan
RVMBA is pleased to release our City of Ashland Sustainable Trails Plan to the public. The plan was created to address issues we have identified in the Ashland Watershed on city-owned property. From lack of beginner trails to user safety to neighborhood connectivity, RVMBA hopes this plan will be reviewed by city officials and adopted to help keep up with the rapid growth of the sport. The plan has been distributed to the Ashland City Council, Ashland Mayor, and the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission.
Trails Plan (abbreviated)
Trails Plan (full version)
Please help us support the plan by sending an email to the Ashland City Council and the Ashland Parks and Recreation Commission.
Positive public comment is a surefire way to drown out the inevitable nay-sayers who don't support any additional mountain biking infrastructure. This plan represents years of trail system observation and hundreds of volunteer hours organized into a written document and will provide guidance and a master plan on all of the steps needed to turn the Ashland Watershed into the world-class trail system it deserves to be. A quick letter of support from you will go a long way towards a sustainable trails plan in Ashland.
Download a sample letter HERE.
Contact Ashland City council
Ashland Mayor:
Contact Ashland Parks Commissioners HERE