B-Street Jumps
The B Street Jumps in Grants Pass!
In 2022, RVMBA took the lead on revamping the bike trails at Loveless Park in Grants Pass - Home of the B Street Jumps.
Since the revamp the park has seen over 10000 uses and it needs a tuneup.
We've raised $4500 for park improvements but we need your help to make it to $6000 for the full refresh.
We'll get a lot for the money - professional reshape of all berms and jumps with over 50 yards of decomposed granite, 3 additional log drops and a fresh coat of tackifier to make the trails safer and less slippery.
Remember, donations are tax-deductible!
While the park design caters to beginner and intermediate riders, there’s a little something for everyone including a scoot bike pump track, 4 log drops, an 18 foot Acceleration Roller and plenty of jumps, berms and turns. Most importantly, the careful design helps protect the sensitive roots of the 50 old growth trees in the 2 acre park.
Special thanks to:
Grants Pass City Council and Parks Advisory Committee for approving this project
Stein Enterprise for providing over 30 dump truck loads of dirt
Oregon Log Gazebos for the log drops
Grants Pass Fire and Rescue for watering the trails
Earthworx of Ashland, OR for turning the Dirt Mechanics conceptual plan into a reality
Thank you to the following sponsors:
A-1 Mini Storage
First Interstate Bank
Brent Ridley Construction
Oregon Log Gazebos
About the B-Street Jumps revamp
Rogue Valley Mountain Bike Association's mission is to build and maintain a world-class system of mountain bike trails that support and enhance the physical, mental and economic health of Rogue Valley communities. One of RVMBA's main goals is to help improve access for mountain bikers of all ages and skill levels. Currently, there are limited opportunities throughout the Rogue Valley for young riders to safely build their skills.
RVMBA is partnered with the City of Grants Pass to make some much needed trail improvements at Robert Loveless Park - "Home of B Street Jumps". Loveless Park is a 2-acre park located on the Northwest side of the City of Grants Pass near Dollar Mountain.
B Street Jumps is steeped in history within the Grants Pass community. Ask any mountain biker who grew up in Grants Pass or inquire at any local bike shop and you will quickly learn how much this park means to the community. To keep this legacy going, RVMBA spearheaded a revamp of this popular park to ensure B Street Jumps is there for future generations from within Grants Pass and beyond
Dirt Mechanics LLC, a professional trail company out of Bend, has volunteered its time to design a site plan for Loveless Park. Dirt Mechanics has a reputation for optimizing the available terrain in an existing park or trail network. Adhering to the Land Owner/Manager vision and requests, Dirt Mechanics can create quality trails and a variety of features for park users to enjoy while building their biking handling skills.
B Street Jumps now provides a safe yet progressive trail and bicycle riding experience to a variety of riders with different skill levels. Loveless Park caters not only to the toddler learning on a scoot bike but also to expert riders looking to jump their bike and hone their skillset.
How the revamp happened:
Both the City of Grants Pass Parks Advisory Committee and City Council reviewed the Dirt Mechanic's draft plan and supported the project. The estimated cost for the project was $25,000. The City of Grants Pass has allocated $10,000 to use as matching funds for a $10,000 Four Way Community Grant request. RVMBA Crowd Sourced the remaining $5,000 using the IMBA Dig-Program which matches donations up to $2,000. RVMBA also provided volunteer hours necessary to complete the project. To minimize the maintenance burden on City Parks staff, 3 individuals were trained as "Trail Bosses" to oversee future trail maintenance at the park. Travel Southern Oregon offered to help with food and beverages for 3 trail work days.