Lizard Trail Refresh
A machine rebuild of the first machine-built trail in the Ashland Watershed.
photo: ryanhawk.com
It’s Lizard’s turn for some upgrades
You may have noticed all the recent maintenance and upgrades to the trails in the Ashland Watershed this winter. RVMBA is pleased to share that we’ve completed a machine rebuild of Lizard trail in April 2023
We got approval to give 'ole Lizard Trail a nice refresh! We'll added few new features (berms, jumps, rollers) to one of the most ridden trails in the watershed to make the trail a bit more flowy and drain better.
This trail work was paid for by a generous grant from Travel Southern Oregon, with United Rentals stepping up to donate machine rental time. And the trail received machine work by Houshour LLC and Earthworx LLC
How You Can Help
If you’re interested in helping to fine-tune the trail by hand please do not take it upon yourself to do so, let us know so we can work together to improve it for everyone.
photo: ryanhawk.com